Celebrating Success & Acheivement
At St Martin’s, our weekly Celebration Worship is a highlight of the week. Pupils are recognised for a range of achievements and successes and parents are invited to share in this success.
'Beacon of the Week' Nominated by class teacher and LSA
This award is presented to a pupil that has demonstrated the qualities that reflect our school vision. Pupils and staff created a list of these qualities so all pupils can aim to be the 'Beacon of the Week.'
- Try our best at everything
- Try new things, even if they seem tricky
- Never give up
- Share our ideas
- Show good listening
- Move around the school quietly and sensibly
- Help our friends and ask for help
- Are kind, polite and respectful
- Use our neatest writing and best presentation all of the time
- Look neat and tidy, in correct uniform
- Challenge ourselves to always do better
- Are proud of ourselves, our learning and our school
School Values- Nominated by the class teacher and LSA
This award is presented to a pupil that has demonstrated one of our school values during the week.
Class Charts
Children are awarded Class Chart points throughout the week for a range of reasons such as:
- Following the school rules
- Demonstrating our school values
- Great effort in their learning
- Achievement in their learning such as spelling tests, moving up a reading level, Times Table Rock Star success
- Well-presented work
- Positive behaviour in the playground
- Stand Out Learners
These are celebrated in the classroom and the child in each classroom with the most points gets the 'Thumbs-Up' trophy to sit proudly on their desk for the week!
Good Samaritan Award – Nominated by pupils
The children look forward to finding out who has won this award each week, as the winner is nominated by the headteacher. The winner of this award will have demonstrated our school values in their actions towards others. This relates to the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Luke 10:25-37
Attendance and Punctuality
The class with the highest attendance wins a class certificate as well as an extra playtime. If they achieve 100% that week as well, they get to choose what they wear to school the following Friday! At the end of the term, pupils that have had 100% attendance all term receive a certificate. The class with the best punctuality each week also receives a certificate.